East Coast Area members assembled at the Colne Yacht Club in Brightlingsea for the Area AGM on Saturday 24 November 2018. Robert Hill, East Coast President, reported on the long hot summer of 2018, supported by Secretary Lorna, his wife. Clare Thomas, Treasurer, reported on stable finances with her usual immaculate book-keeping, carefully audited by Peter Maynard.
Star of the night was Pete ‘the Knife’ Elliston who took home the replica of the Bateman’s Tower Trophy for outstanding services during the season. One particular service, during OGA55, was his full day teaching skulling to all and sundry – a mini idea which blossomed! Pete and Sarah have also been seen afloat in various craft including the gaff rigged Wayfarer, Pete’s own conversion.

Sue Lewis led a conversation about the new OGA Dinghy. Now that the first boat has been built by Tony Kiddle, the GMC would like to explore the best ways to help build mini fleets in the areas. Sue is collecting the names of any interested people who may like to work together to build boats as a team or at home.
Report: Richard Giles
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