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Reeuwijk Raid: two views of this fabulous event, 2024

Read two reports of this event, one from Clare, an East Coast Gaffer and the other from a ‘Lowlander’ Roland, member of the Netherlands OGA.

Sun, sailing, socialising and fabulous Dutch hospitality – what more could we have asked for on the weekend of 4-6 October, 2024 at the Reeuwijk Raid? A small deputation of Eastcoasters set off on Thursday 3 October, hopes high of another fabulous weekend of Dutch hospitality. Once again our friends across the North Sea played host to a truly memorable weekend of sailing, friendship, sunshine and even an Oktoberfest thrown in – what was not to like?

As is tradition now, the UK contingent arriving by ferry were offered the chance to camp in the Elfhoeven dinghy park opposite the sailing club. By the time PTK (called the Scull Professor by Roland Maes) and the Knife Party had arrived, Yvonne, Ginny, Shona and Brendan had already set up camp in a sunny spot with pretty views over the traditional Dutch verdant pastures and waterways – we were in for a great weekend! The afternoon passed in a whirl of boat unloading, camp setting up and acquiring of provisions for the weekend. PTK had kindly towed over a double stacker so that Shona and Brendan could sail the Gaffling. But soon the cry went up ‘Have you seen the sails for the Gaffling’ Dismay around the site and much flowery language later, we realised that this essential item was missing from PTK’s luggage – luckily he had brought everything else we could need including all the usual tools, spare engines, spare anchors, a fire pit and wood for the bonfire.

PTK then set off on his bike to see if our amazing, kind and resourceful host Rik Holman could provide with either spare sails or an alternative craft. All was not lost, and Pete soon returned with the promise of a dinghy lent by a friend of Rik’s, thus sparing Shona and Brendan from having to crush into the Wayfarer with the pink topsail, along with PTK, Clare and John. A very sociable Friday evening was passed at the campsite with a total of 17 British, Dutch and Belgian sailors eating together around the campfire and chatting well into the night. It was a truly international occasion and we were made to feel so welcome by Rik, Edith and the whole of the Elfhoeven sailing club committee and guests.

Saturday dawned and after breakfast we all made our way over to the ‘Palaver’ in the bright sunshine of a Dutch Saturday. We were in awe of the racing officials who conducted the whole briefing in English only as all our European friends were so fluent in English. It just left many of us laughing that in English a ‘palaver’ means a bother or a mess but in Dutch it means a briefing and a plan for the day. The beautiful gaff rigged flotilla set off having fully understood (!) the Palaver, the course and the Dutch Rules of sailing. In very light winds we had a fabulous day of sailing in the picturesque scenery of Reeuwijk and surrounds – pausing for a picnic in the sunshine. I am not sure that many of us managed to lap the other boats, but it was clear from the start that our young Dutch friends were likely to bag the winning trophies as they always seemed to be streaking ahead.

A hilarious prizegiving ensued in the early evening with Edith and the committee injecting witty lines into every prize and all whilst appropriately dressed for the Oktoberfest that followed! We were very well fed by the excellent chef at the club on chicken, the most delicious melt-in-the-mouth ribs we had ever had, sausage and perfect chips all with lashings of mayonnaise. With Dutch beer to accompany, the cherry on the cake was the music courtesy of Edith and her melodeon accompanied by Else’s beautiful singing – a good time was had by all. Sunday was yet another sunny day at leisure on the water and a very sociable rafted up picnic on the water but not until the Scull Professor had assisted and instructed at the sculling competition. In the sculling, many impressive performances were witnessed including those by Edgar (ably assisted/obstructed by Wiki the Dog!) and Roland, but the well-deserved champion was definitely Matthias.

It was with sadness and grateful thanks that we had to bid the other competitors and our fabulous hosts goodbye on the Sunday afternoon and set off on journeys home to other parts of Holland, Belgium and the UK. Bring on next year! We would love to extend a big ‘Thank You’ to Rik, Edith and the ‘Elfhoeven team’ for their efforts to make this weekend such a great success.

Report: Clare Roberts, East Coast OGA

Before I start, I have to say that all the above Eastcoaster view is true! I also have to say that Clare and I have been hijacked by fellow gaffer aka PTK, but more on that later. We (my wife Suzanne and I) left Middelburg (SW of Holland) on Friday afternoon, with ‘Josephine’ (of West Mersea), our Brian Kennell smacks boat.

After a jolly drive through Holland’s weekend traffic jams, we arrived in Reeuwijk. It was our first time and we had no idea what to expect. On arrival we met some Dutch OGA friends and after many friendly greetings (thanks especially for that Else and Edgar, Dirk and Linda) we dipped ‘Josephine’ in the water. Then we were told that we could get a bite on the campsite. And there it happened! What happened? Well, it was there that Clare and I got hijacked by PTK. Around the campfire I told him how I told my wife Susanne I had bought ‘Josephine’ (but that story I will tell another time!) and that triggered him to ask me to write something for the Eastcoaster with Clare. And so our collaboration across the water began.

We newbies were made very welcome by the above mentioned Eastcoasters, and what a meal had they prepared in the campsite – for a total of 17 in all! Really nice and so kind to us newcomers. So here we are. It was a very enjoyable weekend which we will long remember. Simple messing about with boats and nice company in a superb environment. We travelled through many lakes where you can get lost easily and a many small bridges to cross. Chris from the sailing club made sure he opened them all in perfect timing for the flotillas of small boats to pass through with cyclists and walkers watching on. Our plan next year for sure is to visit Swallows & Amazons in the UK and then do the Reeuwijk Raid again next year. It would be so nice to see more Eastcoasters there too!! Again, heartfelt thanks to Edith, Rik and all at Elfhoeven for making it such a great event!

Report: Roland Maes, NL OGA

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