The sun was shining on the ‘gaffers that lunch’ on Sunday 11 February, 2024 at the Walton and Frinton Yacht Club. Despite the rugby airing that afternoon (Ireland v Italy), 25 members and guests met up and thoroughly enjoyed each others’ company. There was a traditional Sunday lunch of generous portions with all the trimmings and as there was a second sitting for lunch, we adjourned upstairs to the room with a wonderful view. A dinghy race was finishing while we were eating and with the very high tide, the boats needed to be home before the tide piled out of the creek. The dinghies were the usual interesting varied handicap fleet. We had a grandstand view of an International Canoe sailor practising turns and capsize drill. Our thanks go to Yvonne Mitchell for organising the event and to the Yacht Club for hosting us.

By the time we came to leave, the tide had retreated from the road and we were looking forward to the next social event, ‘Tugs and Pilot Boats’ talk on 24 February. There’s still places available, visit the website to book.
Words: Jo Masters
Photos: Paul Masters
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